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  1. In this report, Frost & Sullivan reviews adoption trends in managed cloud services, based on the most recent Frost & Sullivan Cloud User Survey. We look at which businesses are adopting managed services, as well as their expectations of their chosen providers. Results are presented by business size and industry, to determine differences in expectat...

  2. 13 Apr 2018  |  North America  |  Strategic Forecasting

    Centrify: Taking Identity & Access to the Cloud with Zero Trust Security

    This report looks at the reasons why IDaaS is a growing alternative to on-premises, licensed software for many enterprises; how one leading company in the IDaaS market—Santa Clara, California-based Centrify—is delivering on the potential of this new security option; and why enterprises are making the choice to secure access to their corporate s...

  3. 06 Apr 2018  |  North America  |  Strategic Forecasting

    Dynamic Cyber Defenses: A Fresh Approach to an Old Problem

    Dynamic defenses interact directly with attackers. By dynamically intensifying attacker interactions, dynamic defenses confirm the attacker’s purpose, clarify the threat level of each attacker session, and pragmatically contain the attacker’s activities. Operating in real-time and individually with each attacker session, the interaction and con...

  4. 03 Apr 2018  |  North America  |  Strategic Forecasting

    Be Prepared! A Lively Discussion on Data Preparation

    Everyone wants analytic insights to make smarter, faster decisions. But before we reap the benefits of analytics, we must first sow good data. Separating the wheat from the chaff requires effective data preparation: ETL and data mashups, data wrangling, data blending—however you say it or brand it. We assert that, partly as a result of the moun...

  5. 30 Mar 2018  |  North America  |  Strategic Forecasting

    Beyond the Uptime Percentage: Assessing Cloud Availability SLAs

    Cloud centers (like all data centers) are subject to infrastructure failures. In 2017, most major cloud service providers suffered hours-long outages in some of their services and regions—including AWS, Azure, IBM, Google, Microsoft, and Apple. Enterprises that “click to buy” on-demand cloud services without closely examining the terms and co...

  6. The delivery process for IoT-based solutions is much more than connecting purpose-built devices to the internet. Yet, businesses and consumers focus on the outcomes from device-to-device interconnection, assuming that the appropriate levers of process automation combine adequately and affordably with the right type of connectivity. This report sum...

  7. This report discusses the primary benefits of NoSQL; barriers to adoption of NoSQL; the ready availability of NoSQL solutions, as exemplified by some of the top providers thereof; and competitive dynamics at work in the space. The report then makes specific recommendations for enterprises and vendors deploying NoSQL.

  8. 15 Mar 2018  |  North America  |  Strategic Forecasting

    Helping Enterprises Say Yes to NoSQL: NoSQL Databases, Providers, and (Open) Sources

    This report is the second in a two-part series on NoSQL databases to provide a fuller view of the wide range of options available to those who (wisely) wish to deploy these technologies. The companion report in this two-report series deals with the issues surrounding NoSQL DBs versus existing relational DBs; competitive issues among NoSQL provider...

  9. 09 Mar 2018  |  North America  |  Strategic Forecasting

    Practical AI: Sales Acceleration using Artificial Intelligence

    Taking a practical approach to AI simplifies the decision to implement AI capabilities; but it also ensures that AI-enabled tools will deliver value upon implementation, rather than requiring a protracted period of training and customization. Sales engagement, in particular, will generate immediate returns on investment as tuned AI functionality co...

  10. 02 Mar 2018  |  North America  |  Strategic Forecasting

    The Journey to a Software-defined Branch: It is a Marathon, Not a Sprint

    In this paper, we look at the two dominant approaches available for businesses to virtualize branch network functions, and software-define the branch. As can be deduced from the partial list of questions stated above, there is no single answer for all enterprises. The choice will depend on the current state of the WAN infrastructure; the business s...
